You’re out of time. You’re out of brain space. You’re out of patience.

Don't worry. We know what's for dinner.

Welcome to

Every week, we send you seasonal, family-friendly, no-fuss dinner plans for meat-lovers, vegetarians, and families that fall somewhere in between.

Springboard Meal Plans

Not only that, we provide you with a detailed shopping list for every meal we suggest.

Use our recipe guides, or prepare dishes using the recipes your family already loves.

“My meal plan saves me time, stress, and wasted groceries. Now when we order takeout it’s a treat, not a failure. I’ll never go back to preparing meals on the fly.”—Rebecca Blood, Founder

Choose your plan


Mainly Meat

with an annual subscription

Meat-centered plans with one fish and and one meatless idea each week. One year of dinner plans and detailed shopping lists delivered via email every week.


with an annual subscription

A mix of meat, fish, and meatless dinner ideas. One year of dinner plans and detailed shopping lists delivered via email every week.




with an annual subscription

Vegetarian dinner ideas for every night of the week. One year of dinner plans and detailed shopping lists delivered via email every week.

“Meal planning used to take me at least an hour every week, mostly trying to think of meals that weren’t the same old thing. Now I look at my plan, tweak it to make it my own, and get on with life.”—Kay B.

How and when will I receive my menu plan?

You will receive an email every Wednesday with a meal plan, recipe guides, and shopping list for the following week.

My family won’t eat ________.

Substitute a family favorite! We all have a few foods we know our family hates and few meals we know they love. If a recipe doesn't fit your family, just make something different that night.

I already have a spaghetti sauce my family loves.

If you want to use your grandmother's recipe (or your family's favorite jarred sauce) do it! We provide recipe guides as a convenience, but we hope our plans will be a springboard for your own preferences and creativity.

We always eat out on Friday night.

That’s great! Just drop a meal from the plan and enjoy your night out.

Frequently Asked Questions